Drain Tile


Drain System Installation

Collecting and relocating troublesome water issues on your property, both residential and commercial

What is Drain Tile?

Originally and historically, drain piping was made from red clay tile, hence the name “drain tile.” Farmers spearheaded the use of clay tile to drain their fields of excess water improving crop production. The drain tile of today is now made with PVC or polyethene pipe, and comes in various diameters and strengths. Piping with holes (perforated) typically collects excess ground water or storm run-off and carries it to a new location. Solid piping is often used to carry single-location discharge (think downspout water) away to a new, safe location - Learn More

Your Situation?

Excess water on your property can be a nuisance. Standing water is unsightly, kills turf and promotes mosquitos. Low and shady areas can be hard or impossible to mow and fertilize. Many property owners have flat areas or reverse grades around the house. Consequently, water from downspouts and ground water from sump lines don’t flow away as they should. This unwanted storm water can damage your foundation or leak into your basement. Downspout water that crosses sidewalks and driveways will create icy and unsafe conditions during colder months. Excess water in your landscape beds will kill shrubs and trees faster than a lack of water. 

Downspout Issues

Drainage contractor

Improper Drainage 

Commercial drainage systems

Standing Water

Drainage system for house

Jetstream Solution

With years of successful installations, Jetstream will survey your property, assess the problem and develop real solutions to minimize or remove the problem once and for all. It is not our policy to “try and see if something works.” Our position is “one and done.” We will only quote and install a plan if we are 100% certain it will minimize or eliminate your issue.

Typical Jetstream Drainage Solutions include:

  • Upfront Pricing – we present information, options and a firm price to you prior to executing any work
  • Jetstream to contact Miss Dig – they mark your public underground utility lines
  • Wire locating of sprinkler control wires, landscape lighting wires an dog fencing
  • Laser transit used to assure proper slope and flow
  • Jetstream uses only dual and triple wall PVC pipes (no coiled single wall) – Learn More
  • Perforated piping always wrapped in filter fabric sock
  • Drainage stone, when applicable to be angular cut and free of fines (no pea rock)
  • All system piping glued or screwed to prevent separation
  • Hand excavation in sensitive areas
  • Boring under sidewalks and drives when necessary
  • Sprinkler piping repairs, when necessary, are included
  • Excavated turf areas repaired with sod and or top soil and seed
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